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My Top 10 Super Foods

Long ago, Hippocrates said, "Let food be your medicine and your medicine be your food." This statement could hold the key to offsetting the impact of today's illnesses and complaints.
We all need to watch what we eat and drink in order to attain and maintain optimum health and wellbeing. The food we ingest need not only be thought of as a source of energy to keep us going, but principally as a source of nourishment and protection from both mild and chronic diseases.
Although there are no such "super foods", the phrase is commonly used to describe foods with medicinal or presumed health values. In general, superfoods are healthy food variants that stand out as they offer something extra, which is particularly appealing to those who seek to optimize their health whist meeting the daily physical and mental demands of life. The list provided below is by no means conclusive and the foods within it should only be consumed as a part of a healthy and balanced diet. There is no one good food and no one bad food, as each food has a contribution to make and a role to play in our health and wellbeing. Naturally, individuals' needs vary considerably; depending on their degree of health, nutritional status, age, gender, level of physical activity and physiological needs. Therefore what is healthy for one person might be insufficient or inadequate for another. Hence the foods chosen for this article are only a handful of many that all have an intrinsic part to play in our overall health and wellbeing
1. Wild and brown rice
These are a good source of B vitamins, low in fat and ideal sources of complex carbohydrates, which is particularly beneficial to those with gluten or wheat intolerance.
2. Pulses and legumes (chickpeas, green and split peas, beans & lentils)
With the exception of soya beans and peanuts, pulses are generally low in fat and cholesterol-free. They are adequate sources of protein especially when complemented with cereals. In addition, they are high in complex carbohydrates and high in fibre, especially soluble fibre, which helps to lower blood cholesterol levels. Pulses have a low glycaemic index, which helps to maintain steady blood sugar levels. They are a good source of iron, zinc, calcium, magnesium and the B vitamins.
3. Beef
Beef is a good source of protein, B vitamins, zinc and iron. Lean cuts are not high in fat. Beef is beneficial to health, provided that it is eaten in moderation and cooked sensibly. Organic beef is considered to be BSE-free and also free from antibiotics and growth hormones.
4. Oily Fish
Oily fish include salmon, mackerel, kipper, herring, sardines, whitebait and tuna. They are excellent sources of omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids, which have been shown to be effective in the prevention of heart disease, stroke and some cancers. Oily fish also help in minimizing the symptoms of arthritis. Most fish are a good source of selenium, an antioxidant mineral.
5. Yoghurt
Yoghurt is a good source of protein and calcium, which is important for maintaining healthy bones. Live yoghurt has extra therapeutic benefits as it helps to restore gut microflora and protects against some harmful bacteria.
6. Tomato
Tomatoes are rich source of the antioxidants beta-carotene, vitamin C and vitamin E. They are also rich in lycopene, an antioxidant phytochemical which is thought to be important for the prevention of heart disease and cancer. Tomato is a good source of the flavonoid quercetin. Tomatoes are one of the most versatile ingredients as they can be incorporated in the diet in many different ways.
7. Lettuce and salad greens
These are good sources of the antioxidant carotenoids, especially lycopene, lutein and β-carotene. They are also good sources of folate, iron and the antioxidant vitamins C and E.
8. Pumpkin seeds
Pumpkin seeds are an excellent source of many minerals as well as unsaturated fats. They are one of the richest plant sources of zinc, an essential mineral for maintaining prostate health, and play a vital role in supporting the immune system.
9. Mango
A good source of antioxidants, particularly carotenoids and vitamin C. Mango is rich in fibre, especially soluble fibre, which helps in reducing blood cholesterol. It is one of the few fruit sources which are high in Vitamin E - a known antioxidant with many health benefits.
10. Tea (green, oolong & black)
Tea contains a group of powerful antioxidant compounds called the polyphenols, one of them being catechins, which may reduce the risk of heart disease and some forms of cancer. Tea contains less caffeine than coffee but still acts as a mild stimulant. It is proven to have useful health benefits provided that it is not consumed in large quantities. Tea also contains other micronutrients, including vitamin B2, vitamin B3, folate, zinc, manganese and potassium.
Dr Asma B Omer, Founder & Managing Director of Therapia, is a highly qualified and experienced Consultant in Human/Clinical Nutrition, with more than 20 years experience in university teaching, research and health industry. She has been very successful in the treatment of Overweight and Obesity, and has much practical experience in the management of nutritionally related diseases in both the National Health Service (UK) and prestigious organizations in the private sector.
Academically, she holds a PhD in Nutritional Biochemistry and an MSc in Human Nutrition from The London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, University of London, UK. Professionally, she is a Fellow Member of the Royal Society of Medicine (FRSM), a full member of the British Nutrition Society (NS) and the British Dietetics Association (BDA) and a professional member of the Association of the Study of Obesity (ASO), Diabetes UK and HEART UK. In addition, She is a founder member of The Medical Advisory Committee of ISPA Europe, a member of the Institute of Directors (UK) and a former consultant nutritionist for the WHO.

How to Start Bodybuilding: Five Tips for the Beginning Body Builder

Bodybuilding is a great way to get into shape. You'll have the body that you always desired, you'll enhance your performance in sports, and you'll cut the risks of diseases such as osteoporosis and coronary heart disease. Here are five tips to help the beginner bodybuilder.
1. Before you even enter the gym, start with research and planning. To develop the most effective workout routine, you'll need to know how your muscles work and the best ways to increase your muscle mass. If you don't take the time to research you'll find that you might be working out for weeks and actually lose weight instead of gain it. Develop a schedule that covers your training, your eating, and your resting.
2. Get into the habit of eating right. As a bodybuilder, you'll need to increase the amount of food you intake. Protein is vital for building your muscles, but it is not the only thing you need. You cannot add fast food burgers to your diet and think that your body will be able to perform in the way that you desire. Instead, choose the right forms of proteins, complex carbs, and don't forget the essential nutrition that you can get from eating fruits and vegetables. A carefully planned and well balanced diet will give your body the strength to work its best.
3. When you are developing your routine, be sure that you focus on all your muscles. Too many beginners focus all of their training on increasing their biceps and getting their six pack abs. Don't neglect your lower body.
4. Remember to rest. You can't rush your results by working extra hard or staying at the gym for extra long hours. If you don't give your muscles a chance for rest, you'll never see them grow. Overworking will simply cause injury, which will slow down your progress even more. To see results the quickest, train smarter instead of harder. You'll start seeing results in a few weeks time.
5. Watch your form. This can be hard for beginners whose body has not yet been trained in the proper form. Study the books, practice in front of mirrors, and find a trainer when you first start out. Learn to do the moves in correct form. If you are getting tired and unable to hold the correct form, quit for the rest of the day. It'll take time, but it is much easier to learn the moves in the correct form than to spend time later on unlearning your mistakes.
Too many beginner bodybuilders get discouraged and quit when they don't see the results right away. Bodybuilding will take time and hard work, but as long as you are training right, eating right, and resting you will become an experienced bodybuilder with the muscles to show for it.

Body Building Tips Beginners Should Read and Know

Body building or going to the train at any gym can be an intimidating experience for any beginner. Mostly, men are into this sport than women. Nonetheless, body building has been widely popular in all parts of the world as it now only enhances the physical appearance of the body but it also improves internal build. For beginners, here are some tips that you must know before going into building your bodies by gym training.
Seeking advice
When you are still starting out, it does not make any sense for you to do things by yourself and reject any help from the experts in body building. Instead, take time to talk to professionals and trusted people who have experience in building muscles. See what can be learned from them that you can apply to yourself. Never hesitate to ask for assistance when using equipment that you do not know of. This further ensures lesser chances of getting injured.
Enough sleep
If you are working out, it is very important to have a good rest. Exercising to build body muscles is harder than people think. And getting enough sleep than usual is crucial in making sure that the body has sufficient energy to take on the body building challenge.
Proper diet
Just like sleep, proper diet is also important in making certain that your diet will be able to sustain your exercise. This strictly does not mean adding more things to it. Instead, proper diet means eating healthier foods. Think of the body as a car; the longer the mileage it travels, the greater the fuel it uses up. The body functions like that. If you are going to build muscles for your body, packing yourself with enough healthy meals will ensure that you will function properly and consistently.
Setting goals
Keep your objectives realistic. Although it is not bad to dream big, aspiring greater heights than possible is. Goals that are, in reality, too difficult to reach will only end you up in a failure. Take things one at a time while enjoying every bit of success you accomplish in body building. No matter how little the progress is, appreciate oneself for a job well done.
Thinking positively
Failures happen. But worrying about what has already been done will do you no good. As an alternative, think positively and visualize success even before beginning your body building training. Having this mindset will help your drive and training as you try to reach higher levels to build better body muscles.

Basic Bodybuilding Nutrition

Many bodybuilders believe the right nutrition is ultimately responsible for as much as 80% of a bodybuilder's success. It is true that what you eat is a large contributor to body composition and how quickly you are able to achieve your bodybuilding goals. Below are five basic guidelines for bodybuilders to use when planning your diet.

1. Get Enough High Quality Protein
All of the muscles in your body are formed from protein, and so it is important that you get enough extra protein in your diet to accommodate the muscle growth you are trying to achieve. Animal protein, is significantly more usable that the protein you can get from plant or vegetable sources. The protein present in egg white is one of the best sources of protein, as around 90% of it is absorbed easily by the body. The protein in milk is also readily absorbed, followed by white meats such as chicken and fish, and then by red meats.
2. Avoid REFINED Carbohydrates
I want to make it clear that carbohydrates are a vital part of any diet and should not be omitted unless you have some medical reason for doing so. However you should be trying to get your carbohydrates from unrefined and fresh sources like fruit and vegetables, and whole grains. The beauty of these types of carbohydrates is that they are Low GI foods, which provide lower peak but more long-lived sources of energy. Refined carbohydrates such as white flour and white sugar are High GI foods and provide large yet brief bursts of energy in the form of glucose. Because you can't use all of this energy at once, you have a short-term surplus which often gets stored as fat. It also leaves you flat and hungry once the short-term effects have worn off.
3. Minimize Animal Fats
All types of fats contain substantially more calories than either protein or carbohydrate. Animal fats however can be more harmful to the circulatory system, in particular the heart, than vegetable fats. This is relatively easy to do by avoiding egg yolks (which are quite fatty), eating fish and skinned poultry and avoiding high fat meats like pork.
4. Drink Lots Of Water
I don't think I need to go into this much, but dehydration has been shown to reduce performance levels. While you might want to reduce your fluid consumption immediately before consumption to make yourself looked more ripped, it is important that you keep you fluid levels up in your training to ensure that you are operating at your peak. Keep in mind that you will sweat quite a lot in the gym so you need to add extra water on top of the average 8 glasses a day that is a general recommendation.
5. Eat Four To Five Smaller Meals A Day
We are usually taught to eat three big meals a day, however if you are serious into your bodybuilding you might want to consider eating 4 or 5 smaller meals each day. By eating smaller meals more frequently you provide more consistent nutrient and energy levels for your body throughout the day, instead of large peaks and troughs. This also makes digesting meals a bit easier for your body as it doesn't have large volumes to content with.
These are just five of the many dietary recommendations for bodybuilders. They are some of the more fundamental recommendations however, and if you follow these guidelines you are well on the way to correct nutrition for bodybuilding. The next think you might want to consider is how much protein and energy you need to consume each day I order to meet your energy needs.

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