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Thursday 3 May 2012

Bodybuilding Training Tips For Adding Muscle Mass to Your Chest and Shoulders

Most bodybuilders are well aware of the importance of flat and incline bench presses. Some even discover dumbbell flyes before long. A small percentage learns of the benefits of pullovers. However, most don't discover the benefits of low cable crossovers until years after they've started training. By then, the pectoral-deltoid tie-in is a weak area in many bodybuilders. Using this exercise early on ensures that this area never is a weakness; rather, a strength!

Use the standard cable crossover station. However, instead of having the handles set up over your head, lower them down to the lowest peg, just a few inches off the ground. Then, complete the exercise in the standard motion. Grab a handle with each hand, with your body bent slightly forward and your feet shoulder-width apart, in a staggered position. Slowly bring the handles together, taking a full second to flex at the peak of contraction, just as the handles meet in the middle. Lower the weight slowly on each repetition to emphasize the negative pulling upon the shoulder-pectoral tie-in.
Complete four sets of 8 to 14 repetitions for this movement. Higher repetitions are desirable; as this exercise isn't something you want to do with an insane amount of weight. The goal is to pump blood into regions of the chest that don't receive stimulation from the standard mass-building movements such as bench press and incline dumbbell presses.
The middle and lower pecs, as well as the shoulder-pectoral tie-in, are trained by this exercise. It's similar in effect to dumbbell flyes. However, the cables allow a much wider range of motion to be attained. Additionally, adjusting foot placement on this movement can result in stimulation of different parts of the muscle group. Step backs 18 inches, and you'll notice the inner pecs receiving the bulk of the stimulation. Change up your feet position now and then to ensure all areas of the pecs are equally stimulated, as well as to keep things interesting mentally.
The pressing movements will always be king among bodybuilders. There is nothing more gratifying that delivering a new personal record on the bench press, and nothing better after two days away from the weights than coming back and hopping on that incline bench. These movements should be employed regularly to ensure the foundation of mass is present. However, once you have the mass, exercises like low cable crossovers can help to fill out that shoulder-pectoral tie-in area, which isn't affected as much by bench presses. Overall pectoral development is the name of the game in bodybuilding, and this exercise certainly helps to deliver that.


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