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Sunday 6 May 2012

Recreation and Sports: Bodybuilding Article Category

                        Bodybuilding Posing You've Got It Now Flaunting It!

Bodybuilding posing is usually one of the most ignored aspects of contest preparation. Competitors are so focused on their dieting and training that many don't take the time to prepare an exciting posing routine. Some bodybuilders leave it until the last week to try and put something together. There are even a few brave souls who step on stage and try to "wing it." It's easy to spot the bodybuilders who don't do their homework; they can't even perform the mandatory poses properly.

If you hope to win or even place well in a show, you must give your contest preparation the same diligence and dedication as training and dieting. You may be the biggest and most ripped guy on stage, but if you flounder around looking unprepared, your chances of winning, or even placing, will be greatly reduced.
The best bodybuilders select music that reflects their personality. It's also much easier to perform a great routine if you like the song you are posing to. In a manner of speaking, your physique is your product, and you're using the posing routine to 'sell' yourself to the judges. The judges award points in three areas: how well you hit the individual poses, how well your routine flows with your physique; and how well your routine flows with the music you have selected. If you have a rugged, muscular physique, music that is powerful and upbeat will be your best bet. On the other hand if your physique is more symmetrical than massive, slower pop music or classical music, will probably work better for your bodybuilding posing.
Here are a few tips for music selection and preparation:
Choose a song that you like (you'll be listening to it over and over)
Select a song that matches your athletic abilities (i.e. flexibility)
Pick a song that matches your personality.
Choose a song that suits your physique
Whenever you're listening to music on the radio, visualize posing to each song.
Always make at least two, preferably three copies of your music.
Contact the contest organizer to see if they want your music on CD or cassette.
If you have a gift for posing, put together two routines; one for the pre-judging and one for the evening show.
Posing: The Routine
Your first step in contest preparation is to take a series of photos showing all the mandatory poses as well as the other classic poses. Divide the photos into great, good, and poor. Unless your physique is really not ready for competition, disregard the poor photos. If you hold each pose for an average of 3 to 5 seconds, you'll only have enough time for 18 to 30 poses. And don't forget that it each pose will be separated by a couple of seconds of transition time. This means that you'll only have enough time to hit 18 to 20 poses in your routine. Your goal is to start and finish your bodybuilding posing routine with one or two of your best shots. Also don't forget that while not necessary, you should include some, if not all, of the compulsory poses in your posing routine. The judges will quickly spot bodybuilders who avoid hitting the mandatory poses. They'll assume that you're trying to hide something.
Once you have your best poses picked out, your next step is to set the poses to your music selection. Time it so that you are moving between poses as the music is rising and hitting the poses as the music peaks. Many bodybuilders hire dance choreographers to help them prepare their posing routines. One of the early scenes in the classic documentary, Pumping Iron, shows Arnold Schwarzenegger and Franco Columbu practicing their posing routines under the watchful eye of a dance instructor. While most bodybuilders have no problem holding each individual pose, what distinguishes great posers from good posers, are their transition skills; how well they move between each pose. The best make it look like poetry in motion.
If you don't have access to a dance instructor, check with one of your gym's aerobic instructors. Most aerobics' instructors, especially those who incorporate martial arts into their classes, know how to set coordinate static and transition movements with music.
Once you have your bodybuilding posing routine put together, it's time to start preparing for each of the four Rounds in the contest. As each round is distinct you must know how to conduct yourself during each one. You don't have to win every Round to place first, but you must place at or near the top in most of them.

        Bodybuilding Diets For Bigger Muscles

Are you working out and would like to have a change in your physique? Then start with a bodybuilding diet.
It is one commonly overlooked aspect when you are on a bodybuilding program. For sure, working out intensely will be a key factor for the transformation of your overall body physique.
However, the true challenge here is the diet program that you will undertake to gain a lean muscle mass, keep the energy level and get rid off the excess weight in your body.
A bodybuilding diet program is a simple program of knowing what types of food to take. You should also know how to incorporate them by choosing from simple charts of food choices for the different kinds of nutrients your body needs.
It is also better for you to indulge in some changes on your eating routines. However, a lifestyle change of healthy eating will ensure of a better physique and a body free from any kinds of diseases.
Here are some bodybuilding diet tips that will help you get started and that will assure you of the success that you want.
1. Eat energy nutrient foods with carbohydrates. A carbohydrate is essential for the development of muscles having glycogen. It also helps your body to optimize its athletic performance.
You should choose food groups rich in carbohydrates from minimally processed sources like eating true wheat bread over a white bread or even those enriched bread. Carbohydrate should make up 50 to 60 percent of your total calorie intake depending on your workout training level.
Some examples of carbohydrate rich food that are recommended for a bodybuilding diet are wild rice, squash, oatmeal, baked potato, pumpkin, whole wheat bread, brown rice, or a sweet potato.

2. It has been said that protein is an important nutrient for any kind of diet. Protein serves the dietary needs of a bodybuilder or an athlete.
Aside from water, protein is the next most abundant nutrient found in your body. It is present on your muscles, skin, bone, and to the blood. Protein is most effective in building muscle mass especially if you are on strength training.
Protein should make up 15 to 20 percent of your total calorie intake. Some examples of food rich in protein that you should take when you are in strength training are turkey, salmon, lean ground beef, low fat cottage cheese, egg whites, chicken breast, or top round sirloin steak.
3. Drinking plenty of water when you are working out is very essential for a bodybuilding diet. Water is necessary to sustain the performance level of your work outs.
For those who are in strength training or intense work outs, you should at least drink 8oz glass of water for every 15 to 25 minutes of intense exercises.
4. It is advisable that you eat in smaller meals more frequently throughout your day.
This is important to have a balance distribution of nutrients for your body metabolism. You will also able to burn calories at a more efficient and balance rate.
Make sure to consult a physician first before you engage yourself on a bodybuilding diet program. You should also make sure to have nutritionally quality rich food in your diet.
Healthy eating is important when you are in a strength training program. Remember to follow these tips to ensure a healthy and successful bodybuilding diet program.


     Natural Bodybuilding Tracking Quickly      

                                                        Builds Muscle

Natural bodybuilding precision is a technique that is sure to maximize muscle gain in the shortest possible time. Some natural bodybuilders even see the results of steroid users by paying very close attention to their training precision. If you are a natural bodybuilder, and want huge results, now is the time to start paying attention to the word precision.
In natural bodybuilding, there leaves very little room for training error. Natural training with precision is crucial for significant muscle achievement. Let's face it, a steroid induced bodybuilder is granted a greater margin of error in training, and nutrition. Steroids aid bodybuilders in recovering faster, and can support longer, more intense bodybuilding training sessions. This enables bodybuilders the liberty to train and eat with less precision, and still reap fantastic muscle development. However, natural bodybuilding athletes must pay very close attention to detail in order to benefit from great muscle building results. Witnessing excellent bodybuilding results can be the difference between performing too many training sets, and not enough intensity.
You most likely ask how you can determine if your natural bodybuilding routine is precisely what it should be in order to achieve massive, steroid-free results. Are you working out with the precise amount of training sets per body part? How about the reps, or rest days between workouts? Is your training intensity significant enough to illicit a natural bodybuilding response?
There is an easy way to find out! If you learn only one thing from this natural bodybuilding article, please let this next tip be it. To determine if your training program is the most effective natural bodybuilding routine, pay close attention to detail by recording, and tracking your bodybuilding workouts.
Being a drug free bodybuilder, and knowing what your numbers are at all times, is being an intelligent bodybuilder. Can you imagine not tracking your checking account balance? What a silly question! Not closely tracking your bodybuilding progress is considered just as silly. Besides overtraining, lack of tracking your progress is the biggest mistake fellow bodybuilders are making.
How can you train with maximum effort and efficiency to improve your musculature if you don't know really where your numbers are? Remember, developing natural muscle is much more challenging, but a sense of precision is gained when you track your progress. Without bodybuilding workout precision, it is like driving a car in a strange place blindfolded.

The results of tracking can assist your natural bodybuilding efforts by making the whole story visible. Tracking will help determine if the amount of rest days between workouts are optimal or not. If your strength is improving with each and every workout, you are getting the precise amount of rest needed for optimal growth. If it is not, your rest days are not optimal. Therefore, tracking can direct your muscle building workouts into a precise science.
As soon as your natural bodybuilding log reveals a few training sessions that show no gains or decreasing strength, you are most certainly overtraining. Training more than is necessary is the worst enemy for any natural bodybuilder. Just remember, your body won't be able to recover from the training stress as rapidly as a steroid induced bodybuilder can. Therefore, if you try to duplicate a steroid aided training program, you will be dead in the water. Your natural muscle building results will definitely suffer. Once again, focusing on a specific program for you, and you only, is a key point to remember. Consider your training log the key to all the information necessary for significant natural bodybuilding gains.
Take a closer look at your training log. If you find you have achieved 10 reps on a particular exercise for two consecutive workouts, you should focus your mind on pumping out the eleventh reps during the next training session. This specific data, if followed, will direct and focus your natural bodybuilding routine into precisely what is necessary for growth.
This valuable data can also serve as a great motivator for achieving your specific goals. I call it training smart. If you know precisely what numbers are needed to accomplish your goal during the next workout, you are more likely to achieve it, thus, overloading your system in order to develop rock hard muscle. Take, for instance, a retail store. If they don't track how much money they made yesterday, how will they stay focused on what they need to beat today?
Prior to entering the gym, successful natural bodybuilders make point of drawing up a mental image of what needs to be accomplished in order to achieve their goal. By keeping a natural bodybuilding training log, you too will have a license to quickly build muscle.
Another excellent tip to achieving natural bodybuilding results is paying attention to the timing of your nutrients. Once again, it is critical for a natural bodybuilder to pay close attention to what is happening on the nutrition side of the natural bodybuilding puzzle. Research suggests it is important to eat carbs, and protein within one hour following a hi-intensity, natural bodybuilding workout. This particular bodybuilding nutrition regimen will help stimulate the muscle building recovery process. Natural bodybuilding buffs also need to pay close attention to the amount of calories they are taking in. Just as training, I also recommend tracking your nutrition regimen.
As you now know, natural bodybuilding results are easily seen if you focus on precise training. By training smart you will reap all the benefits of bodybuilding without steroid side effects. Simply follow my recommendations stated above, and your training will be guaranteed to be the most effective, efficient natural bodybuilding system possible. 

              Bodybuilding Routines

Split bodybuilding routines and workouts
Stop for a minute and think about your current bodybuilding training strategy. In order to achieve maximum results, you should be following a progressive and logical schedule. If you are new to working out you are probably performing a full-body workout. Full-body workouts are excellent for beginners because they are easy to follow and implement. However, their biggest disadvantage is that they only allow you enough time to perform one or two exercises for each muscle group. If you try doing more, you'll never be able to train the last couple of muscles with any degree of intensity. Of course the way around this is to start doing split routines.
What exactly are split routines? They are a method of training your body to create more intensity. Instead of hitting all the muscle groups in one bodybuilding session, you divide the body into sections, training a couple of muscles each day. While there are plenty of different ways to combine muscle groups, split training has some general guidelines to consider:
Primarily do compound exercises before single-joint ones.
Try to divide the body so you are doing approximately the same amount of muscle mass each day.
Try to limit your workouts to no more than 60 minutes duration.
Modify the exercises in your routine every 4 to 6 weeks.
Change the muscle groupings every 8 to 10 weeks.
The great thing about splitting your bodybuilding program is that each muscle group can be worked with greater intensity. Unlike full body workouts where you'll need to pace yourself to hit all the muscles, split routines allow you to put maximum effort into training only a couple of muscles. You don't need to hold back or pace yourself. In addition, you can take more rest days to achieve greater recovery (as in the case of a two-day split workout performed four days a week). The choices are almost endless when it comes to splitting up your workouts. Although no ideal split routine exists, the right split routine for you can be chosen based on factors like your time availability, genetics, exercise experience, and goals. Therefore, how you split your routines depends on preference as much as it does science.
One factor that should never be overlooked is recovery. Rest is an essential component of bodybuilding at any level. Whatever training split you decide on, make sure it allows for rest days in between.
The main benefits of split training versus a full body program include:
o reduced time in the gym
o Less chance of overtraining
o Higher intensity levels
o Sharper concentration
o More energy
o Increased strength
Here are some examples of potential bodybuilding split routines:
Routine 1
Day 1: Legs and arms
Day 2: Chest, Back, and shoulders
Day 3: Rest
Day 4: Repeat Day 1
Day 5: Repeat Day 2
Day 6: Rest
Day 7: Rest
Routine 2
Day 1: Chest, Back, Biceps
Day 2: Legs, Shoulders, Triceps
Day 3: Rest
Day 4: Repeat Day 1
Day 5: Repeat Day 2
Day 6: Rest
Day 7: Rest
Routine 3
Day 1: Legs
Day 2: Rest
Day 3: Chest and Back
Day 4: Rest
Day 5: Shoulders and Arms
Day 6: Rest
Day 7: Rest
Routine 4
Day 1: Legs
Day 2: Rest
Day 3: Chest and Triceps
Day 4: Rest
Day 5: Back and Biceps
Day 6: Rest
Day 7: Shoulders
Day 8: Rest

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