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Monday 10 September 2012

Why You Don't Need A Lot of Expensive Exercise Equipment For a Great Workout

When your remove the expensive equipment that a Gym offers there is very little other reason to sign-up to one. Gyms are often very noisy, very impersonal and when you are new, they can be downright intimidating.
However, a common misconception that many men have is in thinking that they need to join a Gym or fitness club to perform effective men's workouts. This is simply not true! While having a gym membership is certainly beneficial as it allows you access to top training equipment, it is still possible to get great results without one.
Many people who are new to body building and even those who are very experienced prefer men's workouts from the comfort of home.

You don't need much!
You don't need much in the way of equipment to design an effective home based men's workout program; a decent exercise bench, 250 pounds of free weights, a chin-up bar and Bar bell (around six feet long), would be enough to get you started.
These basic items will enable you to perform many different exercises and routines, needed to build and work muscle.
You may have to get creative depending on your budget and living environment but as long as you have enough space to get your heart racing for cardio-based exercises, and some basic equipment (such as mentioned above), then you have all you need for a solid men's workout program.
Variety is the spice of life!
One of the biggest challenges of men's home workout program is over coming monotony. This is more so, if you are working with a limited budget and limited training resources. Boredom is real mind killer, and it is very important that your brain is active, engaged, and focused when training.

One of the best ways to stave off the onset of boredom is through spicing-up your training sessions, and keeping them fresh. This does not require you to have different exercise machines at your disposal, only a little imagination.
A good way to spice things up is by putting yourself on the clock. Instead of doing standard exercise sets, where you perform a certain amount of reps, rest, and then repeat. You can perform sets of time.
E.G., Pick any three-weight exercises, and perform each for thirty seconds to complete a circuit, keep repeating the circuit for ten minutes, resting when needed.
Working to time is fantastic way to keep your sessions fresh; you can push and challenge yourself, without counting yourself to sleep. Time based circuits will work well in all areas of a workout program, not just weight lifting orientated exercises.
Another good way to keep your brain engaged, and your sessions fresh, is by mixing it-up. No one say's that you have to perform the same routines, day-in, day-out, it's up to you what exercises your choose to include as part of a training session. There is no right or wrong as long as they give you the desired effect and impact.
You can also use the environment around for different training and exercise resources. Utilizing everyday objects such as chairs, sofa's and garden equipment to perform exercises and routines, can provide you with the exact same results that you get from expensive Gym equipment, and it is a lot more fun into the bargain.
Once you start thinking outside the box, you can design men's workouts that will not only be super effective but also fun.
Men's workouts do not require expensive Gym equipment to be effective, once you have a good plan, and of course the motivation to see your goal through to the end, then you have all you need.
John Powers is a Men's Fitness Expert who has helped 1,000's of men reach their fitness goals. Whether it be Men's Fitness Routines, Nutrution, or Supplements John can provide you with the expert guidance you desire to reach your Ideal Fitness goals. For more personnel guidance and information please visit bodybulding for youngster to Get the Ideal Fitness System eCourse for FREE!

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