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Female Bodybuilding Tips

Female Bodybuilding Tips To Lose Weight

If you are thinking about gaining muscle by lifting weights and want some female bodybuilding tips to lose weight, this is the article for you. We will give you some helpful tips on how you should begin eating better to help your body burn fat more easily. Before you begin lifting weights you must understand the importance of eating the right foods. Most people do not know how to eat correctly and the proper techniques of how to lose weight.

The most important thing to remember when you are first trying to lose weight; you should never skip a meal. Skipping a meal will do more harm and unfortunately many people like starving and
diet together. Great female bodybuilding tips to lose weight and nutrition are key elements that will decide how successful you are in your bodybuilding plan. If you begin skipping meals with when you begin dieting; you will most likely not stick to your plan. Instead of starving yourself you want to begin to choose the right foods to eat and eat the right portions.

Instead of eating 3 big meals everyday you will want to begin eating 6 smaller meals. This will actually be your pillar that makes up 50% of your results. The process your body uses to repair muscle tissue is a continuous process for a 48hrs period. During this time frame your body must have protein it it to help your body repair itself. The protein then leave the system after 2-4 hours, so it is essential to consistently eat some sort of protein every few hours.
Drink more water at least eight glasses everyday. Cut back if possible quit drinking caffeinated beverages. By drinking more water you body will stay hydrated to prevent your body from cramping up; and it will also help you burn more calories and help you lose weight. Water will also help eliminate toxins from your body.
When you begin your female bodybuilding tips to lose weight; one thing to remember is not to lose weight too quickly. Women that lose weight too quickly can compromise their health. Women naturally have a higher percentage of body fat than men. Women average between 18-24% body fat while men usually average about 14-18%. Exercise and eat right to prevent yourself from losing weight too quickly; if you lose more than 1-2 pounds per week; that is ideal. Losing more weight than that; could mean that you are losing muscle instead of fat.

By just learning how to eat properly, exercising and lifting weights will help you build the muscle and lose the fat. If you found these female bodybuilding tips to lose weight helpful then visit our website below it is filled with information to help you achieve the perfect diet. If you do not currently know how to shop for the proper foods; it will explain that as well. You can learn how to lose weight and gain muscle; however do not become discouraged if you do not see results right away; if you stick with the plan you will eventually see the results.
Just focus on one thought right now.......... WHAT IF it was really possible to change your body in 11 days []?
Believe it or not it's really possible to change your body QUICKLY AND EASILY and it has NOTHING to do with positive thinking [] ....because positive thinking all by itself won't remove a single pound from your body.

Women (and guys) are little by little moving over from the clichéd representation of women practicing female bodybuilding becoming overly macho and appearing as though they had just come from a drug filled party of illegal substances and steroids. Most individuals first viewfemale bodybuilders from photo's in the media from competitive bodybuilding events where the female competitors have actually been working out for an extended time period specifically for the special event. They have however, reduced their excess fat significantly in advance and intentionally put on oils to high-light their cut and toned muscular bodies.
Away from competitions the greater numbers of female bodybuilders do not appear excessively macho and tend to be but regular (superb) females whom are physically fit, healthy, well toned as well as womanly. The fact that they are more muscular than a whole lot of males is a comprehensive gain and every dude which disagrees or comes across as being fearful of these women ought to work out and develop himself within the gymnasium! The rise in recognition of female muscle building is growing in popularity equivalent to the increase in the know-how and reputation of the healthcare and exercise market. In reality it is the increasing attention of the scientifically verified facts that lifting weights regularly will support females to get rid of body fat, as well as boost physical appearance and overall health. A lot more ladies these days recognize that the bathroom weighing scales do not tell the entire story (I still believe it's a minority of women which essentially know or think this). Muscle mass weights a lot more than body fat. Truth. Muscle burns up calories. Truth. In the event you increase in muscle mass you may weigh far more upon the scales, however you will certainly burn more calories throughout the day. Reality.
Females just about everywhere are usually striving to be more attractive as well as much healthier. The expansion of celebrities in the media has produced distortion of the feminine image of beauty and well being. Truth be told there is practically nothing healthful (or good-looking) about a skinny anorexic party girl and a lot more females are actually recognising this fact. In the event that all of us desire to appear great and also feel really healthy, assured and powerful, weight training at any degree will be going to benefit the end result. Fitness journals, internet articles, along with private fitness instructors on the whole firmly insist female weight lifting to enhance a women's appearance. Female bodybuilding may be the approach to accomplish this and probably go a step further. A female bodybuilder will probably be in much better overall condition and well being when compared with a non bodybuilding woman. If you take a glimpse in the gym virtually all gals are appear to be magnetically attracted to the cardiovascular exercise machines and they never appear to release themselves from them. Even so the expansion in bodybuilding information has shattered a number of ladies attachments to the treadmill as well as more and more females recognizing that female bodybuilding can be significantly less about wanting to appear masculine and a lot more about fat burning, physical conditioning, and overall general good health and wellbeing.
One of the most important aspects of being a teenage girl is the feeling that she fits in, dresses well, looks right and is part of her peer group. For lots of girls this can be a tricky time if they lack confidence and don't yet feel comfortable in their own skin, as so many teenage girls don't. Instead of focusing on themselves and where to make improvements girls look to the people around them for inspiration, acceptance and direction in how to dress.
Most high street fashion, particularly teenage fashion, is designed for ultra slim, waif like bodies. This can be great for the girl who is a size 6. She can happily copy her friends' style and pull it off. But not every girl who is slender and willowy will feel confident with their body- some just want curves. And the girl whose shape and build is rather more curvy, doesn't suit mini skirts, leggings worn with cropped tops or harem pants- but they don't know what else to wear.
The following guide will help your daughter make the right style decisions so that she fits in, feels confident and stays on trend. This is about inspiring confidence in your teenager to help her discover her own sense of style by knowing which cuts, styles and colours suit her. From there she'll know which trends to pick out and which to avoid.
Wardrobe Basics For A Confident Teenager
Every celebrity or style icon has a wardrobe of clothes that work for them and them alone. But it's what's in this wardrobe that really counts. The only way to begin is with the basics.
These cores pieces should be simple garments that are easy to layer and accessorize. This makes them ideal for dressing up and down to suit the occasion. And they will be easy to mix and match so avoid statement pieces until you the have the basics sorted.

An example of a basic wardrobe:

  • Dressy jeans for going out
  • Casual jeans for everyday
  • Vest(s) for layering
  • Plain tee shirt(s)
  • Long sleeved shirt
  • Jacket for summer or coat for winter
  • Dress
  • Leggings or slim trousers
  • Cardigan
  • Casual trainers
  • Flats (pumps, man shoes or low heeled smarter shoes)
  • Sandals or flip flops for summer or boots for winter

Two or three neutral colours and one or two accent colours that all work well together will help make these basics work well together, mix and match and be added to along the way.
From here some additions can be made:

  • Tailored trousers for either day or night
  • 2-3 tee shirts with prints or slogans
  • Denim jacket
  • Skirt or shorts
  • Belts
  • Scarves
  • Jewellery, headbands, hats

Dressing For Her Body Shape
When someone looks good in their clothes it's because they enjoy wearing them and appear comfortable, relaxed and confident. It's very important for teenage girls to feel comfortable in and to like their clothes so she needs to wear clothes that fit well and are the right cut for her body shape. The way to do this is to create a balanced silhouette.
First you ascertain her shape. There are one of two ways to do this: if your daughter is happy enough with her overall size, get her to look in the mirror either in her underwear or something very slim fitting that shows her shape and proportions. If she is extremely unhappy with her body it might be advisable to do this by being more discreet.
Have a look at her shoulders, bust, waist and hips.
Hourglass Shoulders in line with hips, curved bust, defined waist
Pear Hips wider than shoulders, small bust, defined waist
Inverted Triangle Shoulders wider than hips, small bust, no waist
Apple Shoulders in line with hips, full bust, full tummy, no waist
Lean Column Shoulders in line with hips, small bust, no waist
In order to create a balanced silhouette you should follow these simple principles:

  • Create interest and add detail to smaller shoulders to balance wider hips
  • Create interest and add detail to smaller hips to balance broader shoulders
  • Don't add bulk and layers to larger areas
  • Don't wear oversized clothes to hide problem areas

And here's how to do it:
Hourglass Choose shaped and fitted lines that follow her body's line

  • Follow her body's line - choose clothes that define her waist, enhance her bust and highlight her hips and bottom
  • This is the classic feminine shape and is the most flexible when it comes to wearing different styles and shapes in clothing


  • Any styles and shapes that hide your body shape. They will add extra volume to your waist

Inverted Triangle On her bottom half she should wear clothes that make her hips look broader

  • Keep details or anything that adds volume to her lower half eg hip belts, hip pockets or full skirts
  • Keep her top half clean and uncluttered


  • Necklines that broaden her top top e.g. wide necks, halter necks, big collars
  • Styles that extend or accentuate shoulders e.g. puff sleeves, shoulder pads
  • Patterns on top, scarves around her neck or shoulders
  • Narrowing hemlines e.g. pencil skirts or skinny jeans

Lean Column Create the illusion of curves around the hips, bust and of a waist

  • Use layering to shorten her long top half
  • Create fullness around her extremities e.g. bubble hems, sleeves, turn up legs, scarves at the neckline
  • Wear high or low waisted styles - broad shoulders; unfitted jackets, which slope to the waist; highlight your hips and bottom using pockets and pleats
  • Avoid:
  • Figure-hugging garments
  • Long straight fitted lines in. dresses, trousers and sleeves
  • Tops or dresses with square necklines
  • Shapeless jackets; loose or droopy styles that hang from the shoulders
  • Dropped waistlines
  • Bulky, heavy textures
  • Double breasted jackets

Apple Follow her bodyline - avoid details around bust, tummy and hips. Keep detail around shoulders

  • Keep the clothing line straight to slightly fitted, but fabric soft so you avoid unnecessary bulk around the bosom, waist and tummy
  • Keep details above the bust line and below the hip line - for everything in between keep it plain and simple
  • The shoulders need attention so you should balance them from the front and side views
  • Keep your silhouette fitted under bust and as well below your arms and along your waist
  • Splits at waist works wonder


  • Wearing belts whether big or small
  • Sleeves which finish next to her bust
  • Any details, fuss and volume near bust, tummy or hip area e.g. no lapels, double breasted coats or jackets, high-waisted trousers or waistbands
  • Skirts above knee length
  • Clothing that finishes at her fullest points e.g. cropped tops or jackets
  • Excessive fabric in the mid section
  • Gathered or tiered skirts, gathered trousers around the waist

Pear Balance her top half with her hips with clothes that make her shoulders look broader and bust bigger

  • Jackets and tops need to finish either above or below the widest point of her hips and bottom
  • Layering on her top half creates visual interest and draws the eye upwards
  • Volume, clutter, pattern, colour should be worn on top, so hips and thighs will seem narrower
  • Fitted styles around her waist and accentuation of her waistline is great e.g. empire line, wraps
  • Make her shoulders look broader with shoulder pads, puff sleeves or cap sleeve tee

  • Narrowing leg, pleats or creases in the leg line, turn-up trousers, wide or flared legs
  • Details, patterns, pockets or belts on thigh or hip area
  • Straight or pencil skirts
  • Bags that sit on her hips
  • Mini skirts or any other hemline that finishes on her hips, thighs or any other full area
  • Sloping or narrow shoulder lines

Getting The Right Fit
The most important aspect of choosing clothes once you know her body shape is the fit. This doesn't just mean whether a size is too big or small. It's about knowing how something should sit on the body and frame it in a flattering and comfortable way.
Here are the key aspects that can mean the difference between something fitting well and fitting badly

  • When clothes are too small or tight they will dig into the body, sit incorrectly, pucker, make her feel uncomfortable and look wrong
  • When clothes are too big they will add inches to her silhouette. They won't 'hide' problem areas, they will make her look generally larger than she is
  • Jackets Armholes should not be too tight. A size bigger for outerwear is often needed especially if it's a winter coat and will be worn with several layers underneath
  • Sleeve length The sleeve hem should 'sit' where the thumb joins the hand. It's surprising what a huge difference it makes when sleeves are too long.
  • Trouser/ jean length Trousers and jeans are cut too long these days so it's well worth paying £15 for an alteration if it means something being just right afterwards. A tip- make sure you wash jeans first as the shrinkage in denim can be quite high
  • Waistbands on jeans, trousers and skirts shouldn't gape when sitting down. A belt should not be needed to hold up trousers, jeans or a skirt, except as an accessory. If a belt is needed the waistband is too big.
  • Bottoms and hips on fitted styles shouldn't have masses of excess fabric over them. The fabric should rest gently on the hips and bottom allowing for a small amount of movement, even in skinny jeans. Anything more than this will look wrong.

Colour And Print
Getting your teenager to wear the right colours for her is another way to boost her confidence. Dressing well means looking as put together as possible. As well as choosing garments that work well together it's important to get a colour palette that compliments both her and the rest of her wardrobe.
To see if a colour suits your daughter, hold it up to her face, in as natural or bright light as possible and see if it lifts her skin and makes her glow. When a colour works, the whites of the eyes will appear brighter. When it doesn't, dark shadows appear under the eyes and the skin appears sallow. It's worth comparing similar shades one after the other, as despite looking very similar, shades can be very different.
Colour guidelines:

  • A good wardrobe should be based around two or three neutrals and a few accent colours.
  • Neutrals could be grey, navy, brown, khaki, beige, cream, white and of course black. Black is can be draining on many people though it is often a favourite. Try and introduce other neutrals into the palette
  • Accents can be any brights, pastels or neons. They can take the form of print such as floral or stripes; slogans or images on tee shirts. Colour can also be added in vests, scarves, jewellery, belts, bags, shoes and hairpieces.
  • Wearing colours together: three colours generally look good in an outfit. Any more can look messy. For example blue jeans, pale grey vest, dark grey cardigan, red scarf, mid grey bag.

Print guidelines:

  • Small prints e.g. small florals, polka dots, thin stripes look best on petite bodies and smaller girls
  • Large prints e.g. bold florals, big abstract prints, large geometric patterns look best on taller girls
  • Pick prints with her accent colours
  • Tall girls look best in smaller areas of print- wearing print head to toe can look too much
  • Smaller girls can pull of wearing both large and small areas of print

Putting It All Together
When it comes to clothes, at the top of nearly every teenage girl's list is her desire to dress like her friends. But if the cuts, styles and colours favoured by her peer group are wrong for her body shape, causing her lack of confidence to sky-rocket, what do you do?
When you have a better idea of the shapes that suit her, you'll know what sorts of items to avoid. But don't focus on what not to wear, concentrate instead on what it's great for her to wear. Once you have her basics, turn the exercise around to something fun. A bit of styling. Get her involved. Make her feel as though she's doing the choosing.
Accessories are a fantastic, cost effective way for her to keep in with her peer group and to experiment with the latest trends without being in too much danger of dressing head to toe in pieces totally unsuited to her shape.

  • Jewellery Every girl loves some sort of jewellery. Some go for necklaces, pendants and chains, some love bracelets and bangles, some adore rings others go for earrings
  • Scarves
  • Hats flat caps, trilbies, berets, wide brimmed hats, beanies
  • Hair wear headbands, bows, ribbons and clips
  • Bags
  • Belts

Layering is really a fancy word for putting outfits together. Any garment worn under or over another is layering. The key to layering well (once you're aware of the right styles and colours to wear) is to be careful with the weight of each fabric. Basically, start with the lightest weight closest to skin such as a camisole and build from there. The more layers, the lighter weight they should be so avoid teaming a very chunky knit cardigan over more than one layer. Be careful with rounder, larger body shapes and make sure the under layers are closer fitting rather than flowing and drapey otherwise it will add inches. Experiment with longer camisoles or tops peeking out at the hems of outer layers. This is where flashes of colour and print can come into their own. Mixing fabric textures such as sheen with matt, woolly with shiny and leather with wool all add lovely touches to basic garments.
Shopping If there's any way that she can be encouraged to shop with you rather with her friends, this is ideal though perhaps tough to impose.
Research If you can encourage your daughter to research looks, ideas and styles she likes herself. When left to our own devices we are often instinctively drawn to what we like because it's right for us. Without the distraction of her peer group, she might just find things she loves rather than the things she thinks she should love.
One of the beauties of the high street is the huge range of price points available. Whatever your budget, there will be something for you but you do not need to spend a lot of money on a teenage girl's wardrobe. In fact is perhaps wise not to.

  • A young girl's body shape, size and height can all change dramatically. While something fits her in May, she may have outgrown it by August.
  • The majority of young girls care little for the details, fabric and workmanship that's gone into a garment in the same way adults. It's likely that she won't look after her clothes in a way that prolongs their lifespan.
  • Teenagers don't mind about quality in the same way adults do so cheaper fabrics will probably not be an issue for her.

Brands are a different issue and her desire for a particular label may depend on her peer group. If she is set on premium high street or designer labels there are many places to source items for cheaper than the shop price such as ebay and Brand Alley

  • Shops For Your Budget
  • Ultra Budget
  • Primark


  • H&M
  • New Look (up to size 24)
  • Forever 21
  • Matalan


  • Dororothy Perkins (up to to size 22)
  • Uniqlo
  • Miss Selfridge
  • Claire's Accessories

More Expensive

  • Urban Outfitters
  • Asos
  • Topshop
  • American Apparel
  • Brand Alley
  • eBay

Confident Teenage Style - Tips And Advice For Girls

I offer loads of personal style advice, body shape tips or fashion help as well as affordable personal shopping and personal styling experiences for real people.
I hope you enjoyed reading!

        (Female Bodybuilding Guide)

I can think of no other sporting event where as much hard work is devoted to preparation for competitions as bodybuilding. Yes, bodybuilding is indeed a sport. The sport of bodybuilding is quite rigorous, as manifest by the amount of training necessary to develop a muscle-man or muscle-woman. It takes an enormous effort to develop a body that is suitable for exhibiting. The perfection of the body is the shared aim of developing men's as well as women's bodies, but the strategy needs to be different because of the differences in their anatomy and metabolic process. The feminine body just is not capable of developing the muscle mass that the male body can, at least not without the help of chemical substances. The routines and healthy diet of male bodybuilders create different results in women.
Their muscles will be well-defined, just without the bulk of their male counterparts. The objectives of bodybuilding for women have changed dramatically a few times over the history of the sport. Then came immense muscular development stimulated by using of anabolic steroids together with male growth hormones. Some of the female muscle builders became so huge and brawny that they looked like men. At present, the emphasis is now back to a more normal look for female bodybuilders. They perform a lot of weight exercise routines that offer them definition and muscularity, however they still keep their femininity.
Building a muscle-woman starts off with weight and resistance training. At least once per week, every muscle group is exercised to complete exhaustion. But due to the upper and lower body curvaceousness of a woman's body, different exercises are needed. Extra importance is placed on hip flexors, adductor and abductor muscles in the inner and outer thighs. Leg extensions, presses and curls work the thighs, while calf raises exercise the lower legs.
For the upper body, women exercise their pectoral muscles with barbell or machine presses, dumbbell or machine flies, shoulder presses and arm work. The arms are pumped up with barbell and dumbbell curls and triceps press-downs. An advanced female muscle builder pumps an impressive amount of weight every workout session. An eating plan with approximately 25 percent of the calories received from protein, 40 percent coming from complex carbohydrates and the rest from fat and dietary fiber is needed to restore the muscle tissue injured by intense exercises.
Supplements should be taken: Whey Protein powder blended with milk, amino acids to assist with fat burning and protein metabolizing. Plenty of eggs ought to be eaten for the best source of quality protein. Soluble oils such as wheat germ oil are essential for energy and endurance, kelp is good for concentrated protein boost. Contests are the final aspect of female bodybuilding. As a woman's physique is much different to a man's, they're generally exhibited differently. While they do adopt some of the male positions, such as flexing the biceps, shoulder muscles and back, female bodybuilding poses are typically more graceful and meant to display the highly developed feminine body at its best.
In summary, creating a muscle-woman is like building a muscle-man, but the technique is a little different to take into consideration the female form as well as feminine metabolism. The results for women, however, are just as remarkable as the results for men!